John Cage Quote

“Wherever we are, what we hear mostly is noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating. The sound of a truck at fifty miles an hour. Static between the stations. Rain. ….  we can compose and perform a quartet for explosive motor, wind, heartbeat and landslide.” […]

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Echo Location Sound Map Launches

Friday 10th June was the first test run of the Echo Location Sound Map. I was invited to the meeting of the board of directors of Bedford Creative Arts (BCA), to involve them in the process of how Echo location develops. (BCA commissioned Echo Location). I introduced the project by describing how the idea had […]

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BCA recording soundwalk

The first event will take place with Friday in Bedford with the board members of Bedford Creative Arts. This will be a test drive of an Echo Location walk, and we will be exploring Bedford with various types of sound recording equipment and then uploading our recordings them to the map. There will be a […]

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