Corby Walking Festival

We now have a new version of the Echo Location Sound map… created by Kathy Hinde and Ed Holroyd. There are some new features including the possibility to choose a ‘focus place’ which are based on where specific echo location soundmapping activities have taken place. Of course, you can add sounds anywhere and at any time, but we […]

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Installation at The Pad – this Saturday

Bedford Creative Arts are taking over The Pad for a couple of hours before the usual Saturday night madness with an interactive installation by Artist Kathy Hinde of the Echo Location project, which has seen groups of Bedfordians mapping the town through sound recording.  This installation uses surround sound and projection and invites you to draw […]

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Listening Walks: November 2011 – sign up!

The next Bedford Listening Walks with Kathy Hinde and Bedford Artist, Aaron Head, are now available for bookings. Record the sounds you hear, some familiar, some unusual, on our simple to use digital mini-recorders. No experience is necessary. Your sounds will be uploaded to the Echo Location soundmap and also form part of other Echo Location artworks. […]

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Echo Location Installation at The Pad, Bedford

Kathy Hinde has been working with the sounds of Bedford to create an interactive installation using 4 channel sound and projection. This will be open to the public on Saturday December 10th from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at The Pad, Bedford. Kathy will be giving a short talk about the development of the work at 8:00pm. […]

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Echo Location Listening Walks

The first Echo Location listening walks take place this coming weekend – fully launching the quest to create a unique sound-map of Bedford. here are the details – TAKE PART…. book your place by calling Bedford Creative Arts on 01234 818670

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World Listening Day!

This is an ideal opportunity to draw your attention to WORLD LISTENING DAY – which is tomorrow – July 18th. The World Listening Project invites anyone to submit a LISTENING event for the week starting on July 18th 2011 …which amazingly coincides with the very first Echo Location listening walk in Bedford…. we have submitted […]

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Echo Location Sound Map Launches

Friday 10th June was the first test run of the Echo Location Sound Map. I was invited to the meeting of the board of directors of Bedford Creative Arts (BCA), to involve them in the process of how Echo location develops. (BCA commissioned Echo Location). I introduced the project by describing how the idea had […]

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BCA recording soundwalk

The first event will take place with Friday in Bedford with the board members of Bedford Creative Arts. This will be a test drive of an Echo Location walk, and we will be exploring Bedford with various types of sound recording equipment and then uploading our recordings them to the map. There will be a […]

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